Saturday, January 11, 2014

Slight increase in tumor markers

Just got the lab tests back this week and things are mostly stable.  Chromogranin-A is up about 10%, Neurokinin-A is up 10% and Pancreostatin is down about 2%.  What this means is that the Indium-131 treatment does not appear to be actively killing the cancer.  We will talk to the doctors in New Orleans to get a definitive statement but my guess is that we won't be trying another iteration of the I-131 treatment.

Broncos will beat the Chargers tomorrow and it is currently looking like the Patriots will be making a trip to Denver before their off season begins!  The Sea-chickens won today but the Saints really tried to make it interesting at the end...  In the early game tomorrow, Go Niners!

Two weeks till I get to ski Alta and 1.5 months to Crested Butte!  Snow has been great this year but River's swimming and the Boys' indoor soccer schedule are crimping our ski time...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And the beat goes on

It is 2014 and I am now over 12 years post diagnosis.  When I was first told I had cancer and had a chance to research my particular brand of cancer, I thought I had a 50% chance of getting to 10 years and, yet, I continue to roll.  I have certainly had road bumps along the way but I am hoping that I am going to be able to continue for another 12 years.

I got another speed bump in the first week of December when I had a bilateral stent replacement.  This was a procedure to replace the stents in my ureters that allow my kidneys to continue to filter my blood and generate urine.  In the first week of November, I got scheduled for the procedure and a minor infection was detected in my urine so I was given some antibiotics to clear that up.  Unfortunately, one of the antibiotics I was given was Bactrim.  Upon removal of my stents, one was completely blocked and the combination of that with the Bactrim punished my kidneys even more.

Back in late August, I had a creatinine level of 2.6 which indicates damaged kidneys ( ~1.0 is normal) but, just before the procedure, I was measured at 6.9 which indicates considerable kidney underperformance.  Four days after the procedure, it has declined to a 4.9 and, three weeks later, had dropped to 4.5.  What this means is that the kidneys are recovering some but it also implies that I am not returning to the prior level of kidney performance.

We spoke with a nephrologist (kidney doctor) today and she also felt that my kidneys would continue to recover and, fortunately, I am not in need of dialysis at this time.  I am not retaining fluid and my electrolyte levels are at an acceptable level so, as long as we maintain this situation, I should be able to continue without dialysis.  Of course, it also means that I need to be exceptionally cautious about anything that may damage my kidneys further as I don't have much margin for safety.

I am still awaiting the results of my blood tests to find out if the I-131 treatment beat back the tumors some but don't know if the recent kidney changes allow for further applications.  I will be sure to post those numbers when I get them (probably within the next week or so).