Sunday, July 13, 2014

J is for Journey

"Life is a journey, not a guided tour".  This is the motto of the Run for Hope that we have done for the past 8 or so years.  Jeanne started the Run for Hope as her personal rage at the sky for her diagnosis and her continued struggle against Carcinoid Cancer.  We started joining the race either as walkers or as runners back in about 2005 and I have made every one since except for last year, when I was battling the Triple Bypass which occurred on the same day as the race.

As you already know, my journey started in September of 2001 when I knew something was wrong but could not place a finger on it.  I had gained about 20 pounds in the previous 6 months and had even started running with some friends at work to try and get rid of the weight.  I was having strange stomach pains and was starting to get fatigued and would vomit oddly.

My journey started with the completely unexpected diagnosis of cancer and has forced me to expand my knowledge into areas of medicine that were completely unanticipated.  I became an active participant in my treatment (most of the time) and the times I did not, I often paid the price for my negligence.

My journey has taught me things about what I can endure and what I cannot.  It has shown me friendship that includes sitting with me in my hospital room and watching an Avalanche game on a tiny, standard definition screen from uncomfortable chairs.  I have even seen the friendship that includes bringing me Krispy Kreme donuts for a treat as I recover at the hospital.

I have had the comfort of a simple stroking of my back by my beautiful wife as I sit in the ICU with 8+ different bags hanging, giving me a broad assortment of drugs and nutrition.  I have gotten to see my oldest son turn into a man and offer me a kidney, just to keep me around longer and to hear him, at 17 years of age, say "Dad, I love you" for no other reason than love as we are both heading up stairs to go to bed.

My journey has included seeing my kids become absolutely awesome skiers and boarders, leaving me behind on the moguls that I love so much.  I have seen my wife turn into the athlete that was hiding inside of her and have been able to see myself cross these three mountain passes on my bike (although next time will be in a car).  I have gone on awesome ski trips with friends to many resorts and enjoyed the time both on and off the slopes with them.

I have tried to not sat back and wait for things to happen to me.  I have tried (and sometimes failed) to seek out opportunities when they present themselves and urge you to do the same.  Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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