Monday, October 26, 2015

On my way home again

Today, Monday the 26th, I have been released from the hospital again.  I talked to the doctors about what happened and they believe that the scar tissue has caused some tight corners in my bowels and that these tight corners can lead to intermittent obstructions.  When these obstructions occur, I need to get to the hospital, get my favorite NG tube (hopefully after 3mg of dilauted again) and wait out the obstruction.

The NG tube should decrease the pressure on the obstruction from above while slowly releasing from the bottom until it is gone again and I am back to normal.  This is not a great way to live but it is a life and I can move forward with this.  I am hoping to get back on TPN for a period of time to help regain some body mass, supplementing what I am able to consume orally.

I have a flight out of NOLA tomorrow which is actually relatively cheap at $140 with a layover in Houston on United. I can spend the next two weeks recovering from this episode before coming back down to get the tumors around the rectum zapped.  While down here, we will also take advantage of my being in the hospital to swap out my ureteral stents as well.

So, this means returning to full time work is delayed again.  I feel like a slug but noticed today that my legs started to collapse when I tried running across the street.  It is difficult to look so normal in so many respects but to have such a depleted body in so many other ways.  I know I need to heal and I know people understand but I find it difficult to accept.

I so appreciate having the handicapped parking permit but often feel a bit like a poseur when I use it.  Other times, I am so appreciative of it when I have a hard time just making it to the car after work.  A few weeks ago, I thought the wind was going to prevent me from making that walk but I did it and was thankful for it.

It makes me think of all those times I judged people with their permits who 'looked' OK but, from my high horse, I could not see their problems.  We need to ensure that we don't judge people we don't know.  Until we are in their shoes, we don't know what problems they are dealing with or what their reasons for having that permit.  I need to watch this and I pray that you also try to avoid judging people that you don't know.

I will be home soon.  I Missed my wife and kids terribly.  Stephanie sent me flowers that were beautiful and I was able to then give them to a nurse today who said she did not get anything for her birthday this year.  Hope that this made her day brighter for having (vicariously), known the wonderful and beautiful woman that is my wife and my light: Stephanie.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Obstruction time again sort of

The last month has been a continual degradation of my condition as another bowel obstruction has set in.  There were many clues along the way but it has resulted in my weight dropping below 140 pounds now which is way too low.  I have also experienced vomiting of undigested food, severe abdominal cramps, and lack of appetite.

On 10/15, I had a CT to try and see if I have and obstruction but the results were inconclusive.  Finally, on Monday, 10/19 we made the decision to come out to NOLA and just see what we can get accomplished out here.  For the first time, I have come out here alone while Stephanie is at home with the kids and her new job.

In this initial phase, there is little to no risk of complications so there is no huge need for Stephanie to be here.  If things to start to change to where surgery becomes a plan, then Stephanie will come out here and we will head back into that dark place again together.  Until then, it is just me and my thoughts here in the hospital room.

On the positive side, they did do an X-ray in the ER and have confirmed our suspicions of a bowel obstruction!  They then put in an NG tube (still hate those) to try and decompress my bowels from above while waiting for the obstruction to pass.  I have not yet been started on IV nutrition (TPN) yet but hope that will be coming soon.  I also have not yet seen the doctor, only his resident at this point.  I know he was in surgery all day yesterday and usually has more surgeries on Thursday so I don't know when we will encounter each other.

I got to see the surgeon on Thursday and he ordered a small bowel follow through test.  This test involves swallowing some barium and then taking x-rays at 20 minute intervals to follow its passage through the bowels.  Back in April, I had this test and it took about 8 hrs to make it through when a 'normal' passage time is between one and two hours.  Wouldn't you know it, it passes in a little less than three hours.  I haven't seen the doctor again nor read the report but this seems to imply the obstruction has eased.  Perhaps I can eat soon!

These sorts of situations can happen.  With the lack of eating and the NG tube relieving pressure from above, the bowels can relax and the obstruction can release.  I don't know if it will happen again or what to do next time it occurs but we need to find a way to work with this without me losing a great deal of weight again.  Perhaps we do TPN as a supplement to normal eating so that I don't end up losing as much weight and am able to maintain a more healthy level.  I don't know but will post an update when I learn more.

It suck but here we are and this is what we have to deal with.  You play the cards you are dealt, not the cards you wish you had and that is what we will do.  I miss my wife and kids but will get to see all of them soon.  Until then, bad TV, books, and sleep.