Friday, September 16, 2016

So long and thanks for all the fish

Time for one last post.  I stopped receiving TPN and hydration last Friday, 9/9/2016 and the edema has kept my body rolling for a while as it supplied the water I need but that is coming to a close.  I can definitely feel the reduction in lung capacity and it has made it harder and harder to breath.  I need oxygen to maintain a reasonable pulse-ox but the colostomy has been very quiet.

This has been a pleasant passing in that it has been gentle.  I have gotten to see many friends come by and share their thoughts and memories of times at work or play and that has been great.  It is hard to go through some of those memories and harder for them to come here, walking into the pain but that has made it all the more special to me.  Their being willing to overcome the natural inclination of fleeing pain, and hurt is awesome.

For some that has come out as tears rarely expended.  Others are pushed right to that edge and shiver uncontrollably.  Some are stoic in expression but their words tell the story of their feeling.  I have valued every one of these displays of their feelings as a gift to me.

Speaking of gifts, my family has really stepped things up here!  My brother and his wife have been here since last Friday, helping out with everything from yardwork to groceries and it has been incredibly useful to have their assistance.  My parents have been here as well, helping out with the most mundane of tasks, just making things go easier.  My kids have also returned home in spite of classes to be close to me and I have loved being able to touch and hold them.

So, as I sit here in my hospital bed, I am again reminded of the love of people and the importance of forming memories with them.  Get out there today to play with your kids or call them if they are no longer at home. Kids, call your parents RIGHT NOW.  Let them know you love them and are thinking of them.  You may not have the advance notice that I have gotten with my cancer and organ failure.

Enjoy your family and enjoy your life!!


  1. May God bless you and your family. Thank you, for being you and enriching us with your quiet professionalism and wonderful example of how to live a good life.

  2. See you on the other side my friend! -Janie

  3. Thank you for showing me the right way to set an example for my son. I'll spend the rest of my life aspiring to be half the father you are. Thank you for all the moments you've given us all. It's been an honor.

  4. Your words and life have been inspirational. I wish I could have got to know you better had we actually moved to CO. Thank you for being you. May God bless you and your family.

  5. Peace and great love to you and your family. My heart goes out to you and your family and may you rest well.

  6. Ron, my prayers continue to be with you, Steph, your and your family. I really appreciate you and the good memories we have had jamming at college, visiting you in Holland, standing up at your wedding, biking in the mountains and visiting again a couple years ago. God's peace to you and your family, my friend. Don

  7. Dearest Ron,
    Thank you soooooo much for EVERYTHING you have brought to my and Matt's life. Your epic survivor story was how I knew I was going to survive my own bout with cancer regardless of the outcome. Survival isn't just living past the disease it is living with grace through the disease. Your example helped me to stay strong mentally and helped me to know that even when I thought I was never going to recover physical strength, cognitive strength, emotional strength etc. I could look at you and know those thoughts were just my brain playing tricks on me.
    Your example always informed my attitude to cancer, Bell's palsy squared, medication reactions, shingles, broken ankle, whatever. I have REALLY APPRECIATED your willingness to share all the fun medical details and your cerebral and proactive approaches to your disease helped me tremendously when learning about my, my Gran's and my Mom's health care challenges. I was able to learn more and thus effectively advocate for my Mom and my Gran thanks to you. Now, you have even been kind and gracious enough to share this part of the journey with us and show that one can (and will) experience this transition to the great beyond and it can be glorious, joyful and filled with love and laughter - not just be a fear filled experience. It has been our great honor in life to call you friend and to know you and Steph. I wish life had allowed us the opportunity to see you one more time but alas, I don't think it is meant to be.
    Once again, you are always in our hearts, we carry you everywhere we go, please know you will live on with us forever and we will cherish your memory always.
    Vaya con Dios dear friend y El Sagrado Corazon te acompane. (there is an enye over the n)
    Dios te Bendiga.
    Con mucho carino (another enye over the n) :)
    Matt and Deann Pujol
    The end of the line by the Traveling Wilbury's

  8. Btw - Thx for the shout out to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and for the smile that brought. :) <3
    Sending love and prayers for a gentle and peaceful transition.

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Words can't express how much cancer sucks! May the peace of God be with you on your final journey and thanks for the short time together at work. It's been an honor and a privilege to have crossed paths.


  10. Ron, I admire the strength you have shown and the example you set. Fare well and know that you will be missed.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ron, I think of you and your family often.

  13. We will miss you Ron. The world is down one amazingly awesome person, and that just sucks, but you your positive effect on us all will remain forever.
