Everything is looking up for a surgery on Monday. Dr. Boudreaux came through on Friday and said that he is pleased with how things are progressing. The Horrid NG tube has drained off over 2 liters of liquid which means that he will have that much less in my bowels to fight through. He also took out the chest tube on Friday which has made my days a bit more comfortable.
The NG tube is still my nemesis. I have had it in since Tuesday night and not a single day has been pleasant with it. It makes swallowing hurt. I have trouble talking because that hurts as well. If I lift or turn my head much at all, it hurts. I know I will have it in surgery and will wake with it. If history holds true, it may not come out until Thursday.
For the surgical consent, his list of goals included freeing up intestines, possible resection, possible tumor rebulking, possible ureter repair or rerouting, and possible colostomy reversal. Friday also included a CT of the rectum to see how difficult reversal may or may not be. Everything he want to do would improve my situation from eating, to digesting, to kidneys and to pooping. Hopefully he is successful and able to achieve a good portion of that list.
We have no idea what time surgery will be as we are the second surgery of the day and need to wait for the OR. Again, it will be almost painful to wait these hours since you don't know when they will end and there is always the fear that things will get too late and they will delay it again. I don't think this is will be the case but I cannot stop thinking about it.
Today, the other surgeon that will be assisting Dr. Boudreaux came through and I did not catch his name but he appears new to the neuroendocrine clinic. Surgery should be late morning and it is going to be a long wait.
Obviously, I will not be posting again for the next few days so I want to refer you do my wife's caring bridge site where she will be posting updates as to progress both for her and for me in these next days. Feel free to send some good vibrations her way as there is so much she wants to do to help even though there is nothing she can do.
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